hibryd.com - Karen Ammon (formerly Karen Setnor)
Bra Smyth product photo color corrections
Freelancing for Bra Smyth involved hundreds of photo color changes and corrections. These had to be done quickly, in 15 minutes to an hour at the absolute most. (Warning: photos include lots of lingerie.)
Bra Smyth photo retouching
It's the nature of the business: practically every photo is "corrected" for things like panty lines, wrinkles, bulges, tan lines, visible nipples, etc. Model's head has been cropped for anonymity.
Zircon color changes
Zircon product images were altered as part of a OEM sales pitch to another tool manufacturer. Changing the colors was not simply about adding a layer in Photoshop; it involved multiple adjustment layers to get the shading and tone just right.
Seasons change for a stock photo
Client had bought a stock photo of an orange and red-hued oak tree for their fall and winter advertisements. Then spring came around and they needed a green tree instead.
Merit Badges for Santa Clara County Parks ads
A series of "merit badges" for a SCC Parks campaign, with each badge representing a park activity. The art director provided a color palette and rough sketches, and I assembled the badges out of modified clip art.
Baseball stock photo correction
Client was running an ad with a stock photo of a pinstriped and stirrup-clad baseball player. The problem was that the ad was running in the A's magazine, and the A's have plain white pants with no stirrups.
Fake watercolor for a senior home mailer
Client provided a photograph of their grounds and asked for it to be turned into a "watercolor". Utilized several levels of Photoshop filters and effects.
Product photo alteration
Bra Smyth photographed a gown for their catalog, then the vendor changed the lace style for the production run. The photo was altered with a sample of lace from another product.
Product photo alternation
Vendor's photo was altered to match the color and tone of the bra and thong set Bra Smyth had photographed.